Unique, multitalented & passionate

Folkert-Hans is a musician at heart. His vocals, trumpet and saxophone guarantee a successful and unforgettable event.

Who is Folkert-Hans

About Folkert-Hans

Born into a musical family, grew up with Phil Collins’ music and started playing trumpet at a very young age. Folkert-Hans has had a passion for music since he was a little boy.

As a solo artist he performs with his own repertoire throughout the whole country and abroad. He developed his musical qualities playing with Bicycle Showband Crescendo, Mealox, Lays and The Tailgators. Nowadays, he still performs with the Rintje Kas Orkest.

With his vocals, trumpet and saxophone he turns festivals into big parties, creates the right atmosphere and makes every occasion unique. In 2014 Folkert-Hans recorded his second single ‘Cha cha cha’, an upbeat sing-along which scored high in the Frisian Top 100.

In 2017 Folkert-Hans had a summer hit in Friesland with his own written uptempo song “Simmerjûn”.

An unforgettable event guaranteed!

For the right atmosphere and spirit, the musical repertoire is tailored to your occasion. From small & intimate to large & bombastic, each event gets what it deserves.

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Upcoming performances
Private events are not included
13 april
20:00 uur
125 jaar jubileumconcert Oranje Spannum
20 april
De Westereen
Meer informatie
27 april
Koningsdag centrum met de muziekfiets
5 mei
Burcht Belgie
15:00 uur
Braderie centrum met de muziekfiets
20 mei
11:00 uur
Pinkstermaandag met de muziekfiets door het centrum
26 mei
15:30 uur
Dorpsfeest Bakkeveen
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